Jan 25Liked by Kerry Campbell

I’ve really been doing a lot of reflecting on my vocations within the past few months. I so agree that our vocations can change over time (which I think I’m somewhat experiencing right now). It’s been a beautiful journey so far! I also really liked that you talked about how priestly vocations are not more important than everyone else’s. Priests are just normal people like us (I have a cousin who is a priest & I’ve known my pastor for over 20 years). The Saints are so diverse that it just makes sense that our vocations are all different. We are all so important in God’s plan.

Thank you again for such a great podcast. I always listen to it on Tuesdays or Wednesdays on my way to work.

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Hi Sandra, thanks so much for listening and commenting! As we each find our vocation, we begin to see the beautiful tapestry that God is making of all of our lives, which is so exciting and hopeful! Prayers for you today as you discern where God is leading you.

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